Appy Weather: the most personal weather app

Appy Weather: the most personal weather app APK

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En esta página puedes encontrar todas las versiones antiguas de Appy Weather: the most personal weather app APK para Android. Todas las versiones se pueden descargar de forma gratuita.
Todas las versiones Appy Weather: the most personal weather app
v2020.08.08 Mod: Pro

What’s new:

• “Mostly clear” added as a new weather condition, sitting between clear & partly cloudy
• First sprinkle of secret magic sauce to determine precipitation intensity – should more closely match what Dark Sky reports
• Should no longer see a night icon be used for a day – will now prioritise weather after sunrise/before sunset to determine what icon to go with
• Radar FAB now accessible from all screens
• Shouldn’t see summary of rain & dry (second time’s a charm!)


Voces: 2

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