Operate Now: Animal Hospital

Operate Now: Animal Hospital APK

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En esta página puedes encontrar todas las versiones antiguas de Operate Now: Animal Hospital APK para Android. Todas las versiones se pueden descargar de forma gratuita.
Todas las versiones Operate Now: Animal Hospital
v1.41.6 Original + cache

Voces: 3

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v1.11.7 Original

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v1.7.2 Original

How to install:

1. Download APK file and cache.
2. Allow the installation of applications from unknown sources in the settings (done once)
3. Run the installation using the file Manager (usually the downloaded files are placed in the Download folder)
4. Copy the cache folder from the downloaded archive to the SD/Android/obb/ directory on your phone using the file Manager. The result will be SD/Android/obb/cache_folder/file *obb
5. Run the application


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